The Credit Blog

Credit Nerds – Mortgage Facts

A mortgage is a large, long-term expense and the prospect of taking on that kind of debt for years to come can be daunting. Just because you start out with a set of a repayment term for your loan doesn’t mean you can’t pay it off ahead of your schedule. It is possible to pay … Continue reading Credit Nerds – Mortgage Facts ...

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Improving Your Finances: Myths and Truths about Credit Repair

Credit repair might seem like a complex concept at first. However, that’s often because several misconceptions cloud the reality of the process and the potential for results. The truth about credit repair is that it isn’t as complicated as you might have been led to believe. More so, if you’ve read negative reviews about credit repair, … Continue reading Improving Your Finances: Myths and Truths about Credit Repair ...

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CREDIT SCORES: Availability, Difference and Risk

What Is a Credit Score? A credit score is a three-digit number that estimates how likely you are to repay borrowed money and pay bills or depicts the consumer’s creditworthiness. The higher the score, the better a borrower looks to potential lenders. A credit score is based on credit history: number of open accounts, total … Continue reading CREDIT SCORES: Availability, Difference and Risk ...

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Understanding Consumer Protection Legislation

Even though creditors and debt collectors can hurt your credit with what seems minimal effort, there are laws put in place specifically to help protect you and your credit. Understanding the laws that protect you can make a huge difference on your path toward credit recovery. See below to get started on learning your rights … Continue reading Understanding Consumer Protection Legislation ...

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Protecting Yourself after Data Breaches

Let’s talk about data breaches… Everyone pretty much knows about the Equifax breach and the lawsuit following it, and have subsequently checked to see if they were affected. Hopefully, if you were, you selected to get the free credit monitoring. But have you heard about the Capital One breach? Capital One says that tens of … Continue reading Protecting Yourself after Data Breaches ...

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Recognizing Sources of Debt

While it may be easy recognizing you are in debt, it is also important to be wary of the easy sources of debt to understand potential pitfalls. Easy Access to Credit Credit card companies target nearly every sector of society with savvy offers. This can impact everyone from college students, to those looking to retire. … Continue reading Recognizing Sources of Debt ...

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