Many people tend to prioritize excessive holiday spending rather than budgeting money effectively to avoid debt. With lack of strategy for holiday expenses, it can leave you vulnerable to debt and ultimately delay the attainment of financial goals. However, it’s still not too late to come up with a last minute plan to save money. … Continue reading Money Habit: Start Saving Now Like a Successful Adult ...
The Credit Blog
Struggling with Debt? How can I get out of it!?
Many people would say we as Americans often share a common problem. Specifically mismanaged debt. Mismanaged debt is one of the many reasons people get into serious financial trouble. When debt is not managed properly, it may seem impossible to get a high credit score to apply for personal loans,mortgages, car loans, etc. It can be challenging … Continue reading Struggling with Debt? How can I get out of it!? ...
Make Your Credit a Priority
Most of us don’t pay enough attention our credit if we have a stable job or are “too busy” in our own lives. It’s not a difficult feat to make your credit a priority as long as you start by setting yourself up with your goals based on your priorities. CRN is here to help you … Continue reading Make Your Credit a Priority ...
The Epitome of Credit – Improving Your Finances
The American culture uses credit to survive, from us as consumers all the way up to our government. As consumers we often even depend on it, which puts many Americans at risk by nature. Due to accidents or emergencies or just becoming overwhelmed, we end up needing credit repair services to live the dream we … Continue reading The Epitome of Credit – Improving Your Finances ...
Credit Repair Methodology
When it comes to managing your finances, thoroughly researching any company you work with is of the utmost importance. This couldn’t be truer than with credit repair companies. According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), credit repair scams are incredibly common. There have been several recorded cases of criminals setting up false credit repair … Continue reading Credit Repair Methodology ...
“Improving Your FICO Scores”
Repairing bad credit or building credit for the first time takes patience and discipline. There is no quick way to fix a credit score. In fact, quick-fix efforts are the most likely to backfire, so beware of any advice that claims to improve your credit score fast. The best advice for rebuilding credit is to … Continue reading “Improving Your FICO Scores” ...