The Credit Blog

Why Life Insurance Is A Smart Investment

Everyone of us need life insurance. Think ahead for you and your loved ones! According to Forbes, ( life insurance is a contract between you and an insurance company. Essentially, in exchange for your premium payments, the insurance company will pay a lump sum known as a death benefit to your beneficiaries after your death. … Continue reading Why Life Insurance Is A Smart Investment ...

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Are you ready for TAX Season?

Tax season is right around the corner. When you have major changes in 2021, it could affect your taxes.  Choosing the right filing status could really affect your taxes.  There are times that we unexpectedly receive a tax refund. Who is accountable for paying taxes?  Being one of the biggest and most subjective criteria in … Continue reading Are you ready for TAX Season? ...

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The Emotional Cup: How it Affects Finances

When was the last time you wiped away your own tears and shaking in fury due to finances? A lot of people have experienced this or something similar and it may not matter if you’re working full-time or part-time, out of work, or working multiple jobs. Imagine every one of us has a cup that … Continue reading The Emotional Cup: How it Affects Finances ...

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Grind: Feel the Stability of Your Life Thru Investments

People are being awakened every day to the possibilities that await them when they are able to transcend their past. Roman philosopher Seneca once said, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” So with that in mind, why not prepare for a stable and successful life right now? We’ve all experienced struggles in our … Continue reading Grind: Feel the Stability of Your Life Thru Investments ...

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Boost Your Credit Score: “Control Your Money instead of it Controlling You”

A self realization for every individual to have a better life.Where to start? Actions prove everything.Boosting your credit score is not always permanent, it can be a constant work in progress. Credit is part of our responsibility, almost an obligation for us have a better life in our society. If we act accordingly, responsibly fixing … Continue reading Boost Your Credit Score: “Control Your Money instead of it Controlling You” ...

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Better Credit Opens More Doors

Money isn’t the only thing that can buy happiness but it can certainly help. Having a low credit score makes it very difficult to make big purchases and won’t open doors for new adventures in life.CRN helps people to become financially independent. Why then do we say better credit opens more doors? That’s because getting … Continue reading Better Credit Opens More Doors ...

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